Astrological Natal Chart and Tarot Readings


This is a Buying position in Anywhere posted December 7, 2017.

I have been reading my clients Natal Charts and Tarot Cards for years, and I trust that my clients will be satisfied. My interest in the stars and cards started when I was 10 years old, and I’ve been perfecting my ability to read into situations and give the best advice possible based on the cards and the placements of of the planets, houses, and aspects within one’s natal chart.

I recommend my service to anyone who is looking to fulfill their ego needs; natal and evolutionary astrology aids one on the road to different perspectives and the opening of your mind to not only what your needs and wants are, but to understand how to be more of an empathetic and understanding person to those around you. My readings aid in the client finding their own personal truth(s), and also lends insight for the user to grab ahold of their future to start living their full potential.

Clients are required to get in touch with me about an issue, or a generalized want to learn more about their psyche. Get in touch with me and tell me what you’re looking for so I can give you the tools to a successful journey, based on what the universe has already written in your star map.

tarot spreads range from $5-15, natal charts range from $20-60, all dependant on what my clients are looking for.

Skills Required

  • astrology
  • tarot
  • spiritualism
  • esotericism
  • divination
  • oracle
  • psychology

How to Apply

Please get in touch with me and let me know if your inquiries come from a place of curiosity, or if you have an issue you would like to zero in on. I will be more than happy to discuss what you will receive for what you are willing to pay.