Do you need a bot for your favorite online game?

This is a Buying position in Brazil posted January 14, 2014.

Are your favorite game taking too much from your time? I can program a bot to do what you dislike to do. Maybe just simple automation or complex actions from on time decision.
I already did it to: Wow (World of Warcraft) and Tibia, by if you need, I can do it for others.
You only need the fun, no hard work, no waste time. Just fun!

Skills Required

  • Java
  • C
  • C#


Salary: >= BTC 0.04


How to Apply

To speed up our talk, send me BTC$ 0.001 for a quick response: 18ZxyZeNudKKAT9b7KJJfreC2fKD41NF1H