I will send your single tweet from 6 different twitter accounts (All 40+ Klout) with a total of over 200,000 followers for maximum exposure.
I will send it out during the best traffic times (please let me know what time zone you are in and what time-frame you want your tweet to go out)!
Tweeting is a very powerful form of promotion because worldwide, are constantly watching their twitter feeds and respond actively, especially if the original tweet/message they see captures attention.
I have been effectively promoting websites, businesses, products, opportunities and services of all kinds for over 4 years via Twitter.
I will need your message/Tweet of 140 characters or less (including and website link(s)/URL(s). if you have a twitter account already i can manually retweet your tweet for you.
I can create a message for you if you don’t have a twitter account.
This gig is priced to send one of your tweets from all my Twitter accounts.
Once you order I will send you a message with the exact time and day your tweet will be promoted, along with links to each twitter account so you can see your tweet go out.
Salary: .02 bitcoins
Send 0.01 BTC to this wallet 1NaHYYwG1FBMnL5WAzdXT7AN3ZSMCSf9F In Additional Notes send me your 140 character message/tweet including you and link/url. If you have a twitter account and want me to retweet one of your tweets please send me a link to the tweet you want retweeted. After confirming that your tweet has been sent from my 6 Twitter accounts send another 0.01 to my wallet.