If you provide me with your genetics data, as the raw data from 23andme, I can perform a thorough characterization of the genetics of you and your family. I will provide you with a study that is much more complete than the automatically generated information found on the website of 23andme. Particular for family-wide questions and cross-generational inheritance, a personalized analysis is much more interesting than an automated report.
Special offer on height, hair and eye colour estimates for unborn and/or small children – make a family bet on final adult height of your 3-year old, and I will ensure that you can stack the odds in your favour.
How: Write me an email at larsflokersen@hotmail.com – please put genetics as subject to filter out the robots
How much: I work for 200 mBtc/h (a basic report takes about 4 hours to complete, more for expanded questions.)
How much II: Also you’ll need to pay the 23andme-data collection price yourself, which is 99US$ per person. Otherwise you won’t have data to analyze.
My qualifications: I have a PhD in genetics and more than 60 published scientific papers on the subject